Website audit
Conducting a website audit of the current website helped in determining what is working and what needs work. Taking note of any inconsistencies and any elements we want to reuse in the redesign, is a way of visually showing the client the direction we will lean towards.

The website can use a more intriguing and engaging layout the actually makes the experience enjoyable for the user.

Using a consistent hero banner across all pages can spark up the look and make the site more lively.

Using consistent high resolution images can help client attraction because they're able to see the quality IGC Coatings offers.

Incorporating iconography throughout the site will add an aesthetically pleasing visual treatment.
Audit summary
The current IGC Coatings site lacks much of the basic design elements. Moving forward the only content that we plan to reuse for the website redesign is the copy. We will completely revamp the current website to have a more welcoming and informative experience for the user.